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Competition starting Date + Schedule Precisions

Posted: 04 Feb 2016, 19:51
Division are almost Full : 37 out of the 38 coaches have joined their division.

The last remaining seed is in division 3 and will be awarded to the first of the 3 who accept the ticket send to its team :
either : Datrohan- The Crimson Pestilence, (Skavens)
or Redfang- Symbiote Of Earth, (Wood Elves)
Or GSSON - Sweadish Meat Ball (Dwarves)

If None accept their tickets by sunday evening, it will be given to Antituros who has accepted the role of Replacement team (Strong Arm of the Law, High Elf)

We will start the qualifier competition Monday February 8th so check your PM, you will receive some direction on how to schedule your game and date to respect + some last minute comments & color commentaries.

One Things needs to be precised : I received a demand by cyanide that I give them the name of the New Ogham representant(s) to the WC early May. So we won't have the time to organize a 14 weeks tournament as originally planned and have to adapt our schedule as follow : Division with 6 teams will play only 1 season (5 games) & Divisions with 4 teams will play 2 seasons (6 games).

We will use the auto validation possibility : so if both coaches agrees with the resultat of the game if they both valid, the result will be validated right away.