Play Offs Round 1

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Play Offs Round 1

Post by JRCO »

Let's Start the Play offs !

Now it is win or go home !

You have until Wednesday May 30th to organize and play your game

As a reminder in case you would not be aware :

Rules ingame are the following :

In the knockout stage, if there isn't a winner at the end of 16 turns, the match will go into overtime. Overtime starts with a new kickoff (and a new coin toss decides which coach can choose whether to kick or receive).

Teams do not get new rerolls (but you keep the rerolls you had left over at the end off the 2nd half).

Overtime lasts another 8 turns and is "sudden death", meaning that as soon as one team scores a touchdown, that team wins.

And then if noone scores in the 8 turns, this happens: "If neither team scores, then the match is decided by a penalty shoot-out; each coach rolls a D6, high score wins, . Each unused team re-roll adds 1 to the D6 score." In case of Tie a new roll is made.

Note: JJape is currently on holidays and afk and will be back May 27th, so I launch with a dummy team and it will be replaced by the shadow of Tartarus as soon as he will be back.

Play Offs Round 1 Fixtures

01 : Notorious Noob Big Bad Undead 15 points ; TD+ 10 ; TD- 1 ; Diff : +9 , Undead
16 : Mortemne Les Verts Pelouse... 9 points ; TD+ 5 ; TD- 4 ; Diff : +1 ; Orcs
The Undead have been irresistible so far and will enter this game as Logical Favourites. Don't count the orcs out as they will fight Hard but still : Goblins predict a 2-1 undead win.

02 : Dionysian OgOgOg 15 points, TD+ 10 ; TD- 4 ; Diff +5, Dwarves
15 : Felryan Undead of the Storm 10 points ; TD+ 5 ; TD- 4 ; Diff : +1, Undead
The Dwarves have been their usual impressive efficient unstoppable even if not flashy Juggernaut. Can the Undead stop Them ? Goblins believe this one will be close and could be on of the surprise of this first round. Undead win a penalty shoot out !

03 : Caio Regis Mortis 13 points ; TD+ 9; TD- 3 ; Diff : +6 ; Undead
14 : AndyDavo Zunk's Hero's:Ogham Style 10 point; TD+ 8; TD- 7; Diff : +1 , Wood Elves
Can one of the very few Agile team survive the Undead Onslaught ? The woodies are bruised but always dangerous. This one is too close to call, so even if the undead are the logical favourite, Goblins flipped a coin. And the coin spoke. The Woodies will shock the world.

04 : Ironfists The Flight Of Nightmares 13 Points ; TD+ 8; TD- 2 ; Diff +6 , Necromantic
13 : Spartako RED WALL to WC2018 10 points ; TD+ 6 ; TD- 3 ; Diff : +3 , Orcs
The Necro Nightmares have been dominant in the 1st round. But they really could face a wall too strong to breack. Goblins like the Orcs in this game.

05 : Woofbark Second Dusk of the Dead 13 Points ; TD+ 7; TD- 3 ; Diff +4, Undead
12 : Lykke Green men 10 points ; TD+ 6 ; TD- 3 ; Diff : +3; Orcs
Another Undead team, against another Orc team. It will be a close and interesting one between two great coach. Goblins see Green in this one. Orcs by 1.

06 : Camrik aka Thessa Les Sept Nains 12 points, TD+ 8 ; TD- 3 ; Diff +5, Chaos Dwarves
11 : Geryon KPop Boy Band 12 point, TD+10 ; TD- 5 ; Diff +5, High Elves
Even if Chaos Dwarves are always a Pain to play against, at this TV Goblins believe agile teams have an edge. so they like the High Elves Chances in this game.

07 : Azaghal_es NO guardians of azaghal 10 points ; TD+ 6 ; TD- 2 ; Diff : +4 , Dwarves
10 : Pjovejas, The Black company.. 10 Points ; TD+ 8 ; TD- 4 ; Diff +4, Necromantic
Goblins believe that in any match Up Necro have an edge against Dwarves. But Do you think Goblins belief are always realistic ? Absolutely !!! How do you dare to doubt the great Goblins.....Black Company will prevail !

08 : Filadeus The Last Dwarves 10 points ; TD+ 6 ; TD- 3 ; Diff : +3 , Dwarves
09 : JJape Shadows of Tartarus 12 points, TD+ 8 ; TD- 4 ; Diff +4 , Dark Elves
Intriguing Match Up against two very good coach: Slow Brutal Dwarves versus Vicious Dark Elves. For Goblins it is clear : either this game end in regulation and the Darkies should prevail, either it goes to overtime and attrition will lead to a Dwarf win.
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Re: Play Offs Round 1

Post by Pjovejas »

Can we get information, which pair winner is possible oponent in second round? :) Skill choices... :)
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Re: Play Offs Round 1

Post by JRCO »

Pjovejas wrote: 24 May 2018, 20:55 Can we get information, which pair winner is possible oponent in second round? :) Skill choices... :)
Well system is not user friendly so It is only a guess as it can't manually be paired again (after that it is only computerized pairing).

I believe First two row winners will meet, etc...... So If You win My Guess is you will meet either Filadeus or JJape.

But the truth is I do not know for certain, so I may be wrong.
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Re: Play Offs Round 1

Post by notorious noob »

I believe you are correct, if you wish to manually make brackets you would unfortunately have to invite all the teams to a new bracket.
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