Let's Start Week 3 !

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Let's Start Week 3 !

Post by JRCO »

All Week 2 Games Played !

Let's Start week 3 ! You have until Sunday March 3rd to organize and play your game

Week 3 match Up

Division 1

Ghazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) - Shadow Rangers (Soleil Noir) : Coach Soleil do not have a very good track record against coach Njord But this time, it looks like its Darkies, who will be backed up by inducement, have all the weapons to drive the Chaos Dwarves Raiderz crazy. Goblins like the Rangers in this game.

Cheese Is Not A Lie (JJape) - 112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) : Last week The Cheese survived a Brutal game and despite suffering some casualties they escaped with a draw. They Face another Brutal Challenge this week, even if the Ogres Brigade lies in doubt and feel soft. In Reality they most probably are not so soft and Goblins anticipate they will breack some Cheezy AV, but Cheese will score more TD.

Chartreuse's Monks (Zeldorn) - Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) : The Bards lost an epic game last week. This game is their last chance if they want to play for something this season. But the odds do not look good, Goblins can't foresee the Vampire prevail. Monks by 1.

Compulsive Drinkers (Felryan) - Crimson Kings (Segosa) : The Compulsive Drinkers won a convincing game against their arch rival last week...... But they will face a Nurgle team currently Hotter than Hell... Both team will want to demonstrate they are for real. It will be tight and it will be a draw.

Seducers Of Slaanesh (Renis) - Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) : Welcome to the Mayhem Bowl. You like blood ? You will get blood. You want violence and Pain ? You are in the right place. And as it is said there will also be a Ball game, Goblins advise you put your money on the Nightmares. They have wolves : and these big bad Dogs are the only ones interested by this not so round thing that rebound.

Division 2
Les Bella Donna (Segosa) - MaginificentHashutCultists (RKMiateri) : The ladies are currently in disharay and should have a hard time against some Magnificent Chaos Dwarves. Cultists by 1.

Jurassic Sport Club (Pjovejas) - Lincoln Imps (JRCO) :The Imps have not lost a game this season. But that streak stops here. There is no way the Imps can stop a well coached lizard team who can't afford to lose. Jurassic Lizards by 2.

End Of Mankind (Filadeus) - Earth Liberation Front (Jarik) : The Woodies Front should have a Hard time against this Nurgle team which start to become freaking. As The Nurgle Mankind Haters lack tackle the woodies may have a shot at a draw.

The Illusion (Uglydoll) - Sewer's Templars (Antituros) : Illusion's Hope lies in their Assassin.
If he breacks lots of Ratz AV, the illusion Darkies should be good. This game is not easy to figure out as both team look pretty even. Goblins predict a draw.

Intrenet's Troll'ers (s75r) - Septic Claws (Njord) : The Orc Troller's are impressive. They won all their games so far and will enter the game as Favorite to win a 3rd one.
Last edited by JRCO on 06 Mar 2019, 18:40, edited 1 time in total.
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