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Let's Start Week 2 !

Posted: 17 Feb 2016, 00:37
You have until wednesday February 24 th to play your game

Division 5

Mayas y Manos (Ever) lizardmen- Global Warping (20Phoenix) (Skavens) : Both these teams did win their first game, but the lizardmen won without playin so we do not know how good they really are. Lizards are usually quite a difficult match up for skavens . But at this TV Skavens are also a nightmare to defend for Lizards. So Logical outcome should be a draw.

Warriors of Glory (Renis) High Elves - RRpress (Young Nathan) Dark Elves : In this Battle of Elves , Gobblins will favor that one coach who has a New Ogham Track record. Young Nathan is the reigning New Ogham champ. He also won its week 1 game. This makes Goblins beeieve the RRpress win is a pretty sure bet in this game.

Speedy Blue Racers (Njord) Lizardmen - Getting Jiggy With It (Rodidox) Dark Elves : Both team need to win to have a realistic shot at a play offs berth. Goblins believe the Darkies have a little better match up so even if this game should be close, expect a "Jiggy" win in this one.