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Let's Start Week 4 !

Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 21:49
You Have Until wednesday march 9th to play your game

Division 4 Week 4 match up

Ogham Crushers (WildKun) Dark Elves - Delven Eleven) (Coldy) Dark Elves : Clash at the top of the division. If there is a winner in this game , due to the Head to Head Tie Breacker Rule, He would secure a play offs berth. If it is the Crushers they also would clinch the division. when they studies the squad of both these Dark Elves team, Gobelin can't see a clear cut favorite. All odds are this game will be a draw.

Magni & Sons (Gerbear) Dwarves - Tharce Lions (Zeldorn) High Elves : The Dwarves play for Pride, The High Elves are in the chase for post season. To maintain realistic hopes, This is a must win for the High Elves. and That is exactly what the Gobelins expect them to do. Lions by 1.

Clouds WC Winners Bret (St Cloud) Bretonnians - Earth Liberation Front (Jarik) woodies : The Bretts have still outside Chances to make it to post season , but that would mean to finish strong with two wins and some help. The Earth Liberation Front still control its fate but cannot afford to lose. Gobelins believe the Brettonnians do not have the weapons to stop the woodies. Liberation Front by 2.