Week by Week Scores

Season VIII Week By Week Scores
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Week by Week Scores

Post by JRCO »

Week 1 Scores

Division 1 :
Gazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) - 112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) : 0-1
Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) - Jack Daniel's Circus (Antituros) : 2-1
Dying Foetus (Soleil Noir) - Warpstone Smokers (Zeldorn) : 2-1
Les Crimsons Kings (Segosa) - Ogham's Pond Croackers (Mr_Ogorki) : 0-2
Kindergarten Nightmares ronfists)- Seducers Of Slanesh (Renis) : 1-2

Division 2 :
Selvish Eleven (RoNa) - 911 All Stars (Felryan) : 1-2
Shipmates Of The Potemkin (Uglydoll) - Cheese Is not a lie (JJape) : 1-2
Oakland Raiderz (s75r) - Norsca Powa (Mortemne) : 1-0
Lincoln Imps (JRCO) - Vilains Incorporated (Filadeus) : 2-1
Les Masques de La Nuit (Segosa) - Hexem (Allem) : 2-1

Week 2 Scores

Division 1 :
Seducers Of Slanesh (Renis) - Gazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) : 1-1
Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) - Ogham's Pond Croackers (Mr_Ogorki) : 1-3
Les Crimsons Kings (Segosa) - Warpstone Smokers (Zeldorn) : 0-2
Dying Foetus (Soleil Noir) - Jack Daniel's Circus (Antituros) : 1-2
Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) - 112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) : 2-1

Division 2 :

911 All Stars (Felryan) - Les Masques de La Nuit (Segosa) : 2-0
Lincoln Imps (JRCO) - Hexem (Allem) : 0-0
Oakland Raiderz (s75r) - Vilains Incorporated (Filadeus) : 1-2
Shipmates Of The Potemkin (Uglydoll) - Norsca Powa (Mortemne) :1-1
Selvish Eleven (RoNa) - Cheese Is not a lie (JJape) : 1-2

Week 3 Scores

Division 1 :
Jack Daniel's Circus (Antituros) - Gazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) : 2-1
Warpstone Smokers (Zeldorn) - 112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) : 2-0
Ogham's Pond Croackers (Mr_Ogorki) - Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) : 1-2
Seducers Of Slanesh (Renis) - Dying Foetus (Soleil Noir) : 1-0
Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) - Les Crimsons Kings (Segosa) : 1-0

Division 2 :
911 All Stars (Felryan) - Lincoln Imps (JRCO) : 1-0
Oakland Raiderz (s75r) - Les Masques de La Nuit (Segosa) : 1-2
Shipmates Of The Potemkin (Uglydoll) - Hexem (Allem) : 0-0
Selvish Eleven (RoNa) - Vilains Incorporated (Filadeus) : 1-3
Cheese Is not a lie (JJape) - Norsca Powa (Mortemne) :1-1

Week 4 Scores

Division 1 :
Les Crimsons Kings (Segosa) - Gazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) : 0-0
Dying Foetus (Soleil Noir) - Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) : 1-1
Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) - Seducers Of Slanesh (Renis) : 1-2
112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) - Ogham's Pond Croackers (Mr_Ogorki) : 2-1
Jack Daniel's Circus (Antituros) - Warpstone Smokers (Zeldorn) : 2-1

Division 2 :
911 All Stars (Felryan) - Shipmates Of The Potemkin (Uglydoll) : 2-0
Selvish Eleven (RoNa) - Oakland Raiderz (s75r) : 1-1
Cheese Is not a lie (JJape) - Lincoln Imps (JRCO) : 3-1
Norsca Powa (Mortemne) - Les Masques de La Nuit (Segosa) : 1-0
Vilains Incorporated (Filadeus) - Hexem (Allem) : 2-0

Week 5 Scores

Division 1 :
Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) - Gazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) : 2-0
112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) - Dying Foetus (Soleil Noir) : 2-0
Jack Daniel's Circus (Antituros) - Les Crimsons Kings (Segosa): 0-1
Warpstone Smokers (Zeldorn) - Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) : 1-1
Ogham's Pond Croackers (Mr_Ogorki) - Seducers Of Slanesh (Renis) : 1-2

Division 2 :
911 All Stars (Felryan) - Vilains Incorporated (Filadeus) : 2-1
Hexem (Allem) - Norsca Powa (Mortemne) : 0-2
Les Masques de La Nuit (Segosa) - Cheese Is not a lie (JJape) : 1-2
Lincoln Imps (JRCO) - Selvish Eleven (RoNa) : 2-1
Oakland Raiderz (s75r) - Shipmates Of The Potemkin (Uglydoll) : 1-2

Week 6 Scores

Division 1 :
Gazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) - Warpstone Smokers (Zeldorn) : 1-1
Jack Daniel's Circus (Antituros) - Ogham's Pond Croackers (Mr_Ogorki) : 2-1
112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) - Seducers Of Slanesh (Renis) : 2-2
Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) - Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) : 0-2
Dying Foetus (Soleil Noir) - Les Crimsons Kings (Segosa): 2-1

Division 2 :
Oakland Raiderz (s75r) - 911 All Stars (Felryan) : 2-1
Lincoln Imps (JRCO) - Shipmates Of The Potemkin (Uglydoll) : 2-1
Les Masques de La Nuit (Segosa) - Selvish Eleven (RoNa) : 1-2
Hexem (Allem) - Cheese Is not a lie (JJape) : 1-2
Vilains Incorporated (Filadeus) - Norsca Powa (Mortemne) : 3-0

Week 7 Scores

Division 1 :
Gazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) - Dying Foetus (Soleil Noir) : 1-0
Les Crimsons Kings (Segosa) - Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) : 1-2
Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) - 112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) : 1-2
Seducers Of Slanesh (Renis) - Jack Daniel's Circus (Antituros) : 3-0
Ogham's Pond Croackers (Mr_Ogorki) - Warpstone Smokers (Zeldorn): 1-2

Division 2 :
911 All Stars (Felryan) - Cheese Is not a lie (JJape) : 0-1
Norsca Powa (Mortemne) - Selvish Eleven (RoNa) : 2-1
Vilains Incorporated (Filadeus) - Shipmates Of The Potemkin (Uglydoll) : 2-0
Hexem (Allem) - Oakland Raiderz (s75r) : 1-2
Les Masques de La Nuit (Segosa) - Lincoln Imps (JRCO) : 3-0

Week 8 Scores

Division 1 :
Gazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) - Ogham's Pond Croackers (Mr_Ogorki) : 2-1
Warpstone Smokers (Zeldorn) - Seducers Of Slanesh (Renis) : 0-2
Jack Daniel's Circus (Antituros) - Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) : 1-1
112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) - Les Crimsons Kings (Segosa) : 1-1
Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) - Dying Foetus (Soleil Noir) : 2-1

Division 2 :
Norsca Powa (Mortemne) - 911 All Stars (Felryan) : 1-1
Cheese Is not a lie (JJape) - Vilains Incorporated (Filadeus) : 2-0
Selvish Eleven (RoNa) - Hexem (Allem) : 1-1
Shipmates Of The Potemkin (Uglydoll) - Les Masques de La Nuit (Segosa) : 2-1
Oakland Raiderz (s75r) - Lincoln Imps (JRCO) : 5-1

Week 9 Scores

Division 1 :
Gazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) - Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) : 0-2
Seducers Of Slanesh (Renis) - Les Crimsons Kings (Segosa) : 2-0
Ogham's Pond Croackers (Mr_Ogorki) - Dying Foetus (Soleil Noir) : 1-2
Warpstone Smokers (Zeldorn) - Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) : 1-1
Jack Daniel's Circus (Antituros) - 112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) : 2-0

Division 2 :
Hexem (Allem) - 911 All Stars (Felryan) : 1-2
Vilains Incorporated (Filadeus) - Les Masques de La Nuit (Segosa) : 1-1
Norsca Powa (Mortemne) - Lincoln Imps (JRCO) : 1-2
Cheese Is not a lie (JJape) - Oakland Raiderz (s75r) : 1-1
Selvish Eleven (RoNa) - TBD - Shipmates Of The Potemkin (Uglydoll) : 1-2

Play Offs 1st Round

Seducers Of Slaanesh (Renis) - Oakland Raiderz (s75r) : 1-2
112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) - Cheese Is Not A Lie (JJape) : 1-2
911 All Stars (Felryan) - Jack Daniel's Circus (Antituros) : 3-1
Villains Incorporated (Filadeus) - Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) : 2-1

Play Offs Semi Final

Oakland Raiderz (s75r) - Cheese Is Not A Lie (JJape) : 2-3
911 All Stars (Felryan) - Villains Incorporated (Filadeus) : 0-1


Cheese Is Not A Lie (JJape) - Villains Incorporated (Filadeus) : 3-2
Superbowl VII Champions
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