Let's Start Week 6 !

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Let's Start Week 6 !

Post by JRCO »

Let's Starts week 6 !

You have until Sunday february 16th to organize and play your week 6 game.

Week 6

Division 1

Septic Claws (Njord) - Leaping Devils (s75r) : in this very tight division every team has still a chance. It is a must win game for the Nurgle claws, but the leaping woodies will enter the field as favourites. Leaping Devils by 1.

Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) - Jurassic Sport Club (Pjovejas) : The Lizard is the lone team of Div 1 that still hasn't loss a game. But they barely won either. As they will be helped by inducements Lizard shoudln't lose against the Vampires, Goblins anticipate a draw.

les Crimson Kings (Segosa) - Shadow Rangers (Soleil Noir) : The Kings are tied for second seed in that very tight play offs race. The Rangers are half a game behind. The Dark Elves have been sloppy so far this season, that is why Goblins foresee a Nurgle Kings win.

911 All Stars (Felryan) - Chartreuse's Monks (Zeldorn) : This is the game both coaches anticipates the most. And what best match up could it be ? Current division leader versus the Monks currently tied for second seed. The Monks will play without their Killer, The Undead All stars will field theirs. It should be the difference. All Stars by 1.

Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) - Seducers Of Slaanesh (Renis) : Unbelieveble , the Necro Knightmares , who are the reigning champions, have still not won after 5 weeks. Surprisingly, they still have a chance to make it to post season if they can run the table. Because the Seducers will play without their minotaur, Goblins believe the Nightmares will post their first win.

Division 2

Cheese Is Not A lie (JJape) - Through The Grapevine (Njord) : The Cheese has awaken last week, and face another opponent who could be a rival for a play offs spot, the Grapewine woodies. A match up very hard to figure out as both team seems quite even. So Goblins bet on a draw.

MagnificientHashutCultists (RKMiateri) - Sewers' Templars (Antituros) : If a team can beat the so far unstoppable Skavens Templars it is the Chaos Dwarves Cultists. They have the skills to hurt the Skavens and they will have lost of inducements and probably a wizard. This should help the cultist to land .... a draw if not better.

Motley Crüe (Hatebreed aka JRCO) - Chaosas2 (Pjovejas) : Pretty even match up, but the Pro Elves Crüe will have to play without a bench. This should help the Chaos team prevail.

Disciples Of Nuffle (s75r) - Playbooys Bunnies ( Allar57) : The Chaos Disciples are just half a game away from a play offs spot. They will enter the field as favourites , but as they lack tackle and as the amazons will have some inducement, Goblins belive there are chances for a draw in this one.

Northern Gentlemen (Jarik) - Sword and Guns (Segosa) : Both Team had a dispointing outing last week. Both team are well placed in the wild card race. So This one is a must win for both. Goblins like the Bretonnians over the Norsemen in this game.
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