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Please leave a message in this section if you wish to sign up

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 09:28
Please if you wish to register to the world Cup Qualifier leave a message here with you Ingame coach name and the race you will wish to enter with.

Re: Please leave a message in this section if you wish to sign up

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 09:31
I Of course will participate to the tourney.

Probably will play Bretonnians but this may Change

Re: Please leave a message in this section if you wish to sign up

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 09:47
by Mbeige65
Ready to Battle .... ;)

Probably with Dwarf or I may change with Orcs or Skaven!!!

Re: Please leave a message in this section if you wish to sign up

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 10:59
by meebee
Hello JRCO,

thank you for your advertisement over at OCC.
I'd like to get involved.
Most likely with Bretonnians, but not yet decided.

best regards,

Re: Please leave a message in this section if you wish to sign up

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 12:09
Mbeige65 wrote:Ready to Battle .... ;)

Probably with Dwarf.....or Undead
There are no undead in BB2 currently.... I wish they will be soon but it is far from being a given :)

Re: Please leave a message in this section if you wish to sign up

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 12:10
meebee wrote:Hello JRCO,

thank you for your advertisement over at OCC.
I'd like to get involved.
Most likely with Bretonnians, but not yet decided.

best regards,
Welcome my friend !

Re: Please leave a message in this section if you wish to sign up

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 12:31
by Antituros
I wish to enter the tournament.

Probaly will play Skavens or Humans but it can change if some new races are released as DLC before we start the tournament.

Re: Please leave a message in this section if you wish to sign up

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 12:50
by Mythrell
Is there any info when this will start?

I would be interested, probably with humans, but I don't know if being in three New Ogham BB leagues at the same time is something I want to do right now. So a maybe sign up from here for now... :)

Re: Please leave a message in this section if you wish to sign up

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 14:45
by Havraha
I am in, Looks like it will be a human only tournament.
Coach name: Havraha
Team: Humans or Bretons.

Re: Please leave a message in this section if you wish to sign up

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 15:39
Mythrell wrote:Is there any info when this will start?

I would be interested, probably with humans, but I don't know if being in three New Ogham BB leagues at the same time is something I want to do right now. So a maybe sign up from here for now... :)
This will probably start end of december early January, with final tournament starting in April.

No word about new races so far but they are telling us a reconnection tool should be made available via a patch before we start. Yes ! the Tool we are waiting for years !

I believe they can make something great out of BB2.