Let's Start !

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Let's Start !

Post by JRCO »

Everybody has joined its division, Let's Start Season X !

Below are This week Fixtures, You have until wednesday February 6th to organize and play your game

Good luck to everybody and have fun !

Week 1 Match Up

Division 1
Shadow Rangers (Soleil Noir) - Chartreuse's Monks (Zeldorn) : The Monks are back ! They were close to win early Superbowls and it seems that Coach Zeldorn is done with experiments and come back to win.
Goblins believe the Orcish Monks won't be Rusty and will enter the game as heavy favourite against last season Runner up. Monks by 1.

Cheese Is Not A Lie (JJape) - Compulsive Drinkers (Felryan) :During the BB1 Era, The Compulsive Drinkers Darkies won two Superbowl. They haven't experienced that much success in the BB2 era. But they are back : a sure sign that Coach Felryan, like coach Zeldorn, is back motivated with a strong will to win. They will be put to a serious test this week. The Cheese fell short in the play offs, they are still a very strong well coached team. Goblins like the Cheese in this game.

Ghazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) - Seducers Of Slaanesh (Renis) : When two brutal team face one another, expect lots of Blood. Not that much TD are expected in that Chaos vs Chaos Dwarves Match Up, but who care as long as you can see broken teeth ? Goblins foresee a draw.

112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) - Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) : The Necro Nightmares entered the play offs last season as a favourite to win it all....But they lost their leaping wolf early and couldn't win. They are angry and Goblins expect them to make their Ogre opponent pay. Nightmares by 2.

Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) - Crimson Kings (Segosa) : The Vampire Bards Were competitive again last season and won a play offs ticket. Their rebuilding mode ain't completly over but they are indeed dangerous. Same can be said about the Still rebuilding Nurgle Kings. Pretty even match up that should end as a draw.

Division 2
MaginificentHashutCultists RKMiateri - Jurassic Sport Club (Pjovejas) : The lizard are fit. They still at an early developped stage . But they are fit. Goblins believe they should run around their rookie chaos dwarves opponents in this game.

Les Bella Donna (Segosa) - End Of Mankind (Filadeus) : The Nurgle End of Mankind seems to be ready to make a run this season, even if still in early devlopment stage. They made the play offs last season, they ambition to win a play offs game this season. It starts this week ? Nope, as the ladies of New Ogham will force a draw.

Lincoln Imps (JRCO) - The Illusion (Uglydoll) : The Imps had the worst season of their short existence last season winning only against an AI opponent. Bein reduced to 1 only troll will not Help. facing a Rookie Dark elves team and have no inducement....will not help either. The Illusion Dark Elves should start their existence with a win.

Earth Liberation Front (Jarik) - Intrenet's Troll'ers (s75r) : The Woodies are entering the league as a favourite to win Division 2. Despite all inducement the Intrenet's Orc will receive, Goblins like the woodies in this game.

Sewer's Templars (Antituros) - Septic Claws (Njord) : The Skavens Templars believe they can run around this still young Necro team. Yep The claws are young ... but they are necro. Goblins believe the Skavens can save a draw.....if lucky.
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