Let's Start Week 2 !

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Let's Start Week 2 !

Post by JRCO »

All week 1 Games played ! Time to start week 2!

You have until sunday february 17th to organize and play your game.

Week 2 match up

Division 1
Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) -Shadow Rangers (Soleil Noir) : The Bards not only lost their first game but they were severly beaten and will have to play without their Star. It doesn't look good against a darkies team which looked pretty solid in their first outing. Rangers should prevail.

112th Brute Brigade (Jarik) - Crimson Kings (Segosa) : Week 1 The Nurgle Kings have put a very dominating performance. They are back for real, and Goblins like their chances to keep their winning streack alive againt a bruised Ogre Brigade.

Ghazakh Khan Raiderz (Njord) - Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) : The Raiderz lots their last season start and they made an announcement : this season their main ambition will be to beat ironfists....And maybe is it the year as the Nightmares Wolves are not their usual freakin self. But no. the Nightmares looked great in week 1 and Goblins believe they will finish on top.

Cheese Is Not A Lie (JJape) - Seducers Of Slaanesh (Renis) : The Seducers will be in seek and Destroy mode this week. The key of this game will be the cheese AV. If it doesn't crack too much, Goblins like their chances.

Chartreuse's Monks (Zeldorn) - Compulsive Drinkers (Felryan) : For both coaches this one is a must win game. Last week The Monks couldn't dominate the Dark elves Rangers. As the Drinkers are a more complete Dark Elf team than the Rangers, Goblins like them over the Monks in this one.

Division 2

Intrenet's Troll'ers (s75r) - MaginificentHashutCultists RKMiateri : The Orc Troll'ers were extremly impressive last week. they won a game that nobody gave them a chance. Will they be able to confirm against a rookie Chaos Dwarves team ? Not sure but this match up looks pretty even, Goblins anticipate a draw.

Septic Claws (Njord) - The Illusion (Uglydoll) : The illusionnist Darkies took a sever beatin first week, losing two player including a precious Bltzer. Goblins predict they will have a Hard time against the Septic Necro. Claws by 1.

Sewer's Templars (Antituros) - End Of Mankind (Filadeus) : Surprisingly the Skavens Templars couldn't score a TD in their week 1 contest. They are revengeful and expect to correct that next week But it won't be an easy task against a Nurgle team that is slowly taking shape. Goblins expect a typical 2-1 grinding Nurgle win.

Earth Liberation Front (Jarik) - Jurassic Sport Club (Pjovejas) : The Woodies and the Lizard are two team seen as favourite to win the division. The Woodies need to win after their week 1 loss to restore their credibility. It won't be easy, but Goblins believe they will beat the Jurassic Sport Club.

Lincoln Imps (JRCO) -Les Bella Donna (Segosa) : The Imps are back to two Trolls. Last week they were extremly agressive and brutal. They hope their Chainsaw will be that efficient again against the light armor ladies. But as the Imps will play with a TV advantage, Goblins believe inducement will help the ladies to rebound from their week 1 disapointing outing. Bella Donna by 2.
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