Let's Start Week 4 !

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Let's Start Week 4 !

Post by JRCO »

Let's Start Week 4 !

You Have until wednesday Nov 11th to organize and play your game.

Week 4 Fixtures

DIv 1
Les Crimson Kings (Segosa) - Kindergarten Nightmares (Ironfists) : Both Team have taken some beatin recently which happenened to reduce their Muscle. No More leaping wolves for the Necro Nightmares but Maybe an AG5 leaping whight in the making and also a wizard for this game. Goblins believe it will provide an edge to the Necro.

Gene Simmons Bards (JRCO) - Seducers Of Slaanesh (Renis) : The Vampires Bards Have yet to win a game this Season. Same can be said about the Chaos seducers. As The Bards are severly outmuscled, Goblins Favor the Seducers in this one.

Cheese Is Not a Lie (JJape) - Diciples of Nuffle (s75r) : With a convincing win last week, The Cheese is only half a game behind a potential Post Season Berth. They are as strong and complete as you can dream an Underworld team to be. Goblins wonder if this could be their year ? They will be tested this week and Goblins are confident they can pass that test.

End of the Mankind (Filadeus) - Through the Grapevine (Njord) : Top two D1 teams will clash this week. The Grapewines woodies won one of their best game last week. Will they still be on their A game to challenge the reigning Champion ? Maybe but not probable, Nurgle will prevail.

Div 2
The Warpstone Smokers (Zeldorn) - Chaosas2 (Pjovejas) : The Chaosas are still perfect this season. Even if the Smokers won their first game last week, Goblins expect them to struggle this week. Chaosas is just too much for them.

Playboys Bunnies (Allar57) - Yankee Coy (Brizontour aka Butcher Briz) : In a Division where most team are tied, it is a game that can define the season. Will the ladies confirm their solid season start or will the Yankee Orc be too much muscle to deal with ? Goblins find the ladies are charming. Orc might agree ...not to the point to act as "gentleorc" but enough to be soft. Goblins anticiapate a draw.

"Tor Andar Buccaneers" (Felryan) - Dorfs Of New Ogham (Polery) : Tor Andar Pro Elves posted a surprising and very strange win last week. Soleil Noir double skull on turn 16 offered the win and will remind everyone that you should never roll dices on turn 16 when in position to score. This week do not expect the Dorfs to be that greedy, But unless the Dorfs can clear the field , they certainly can't hope for more than a draw.

Shadow Rangers (Soleil Noir) - Sewer Templars (Antituros) :Do Not expect the Dark elves to let slip away the game like they did last Week. But even if they do not gamble, they still won't be able to stop the Skavens's one turners., Goblins believe a draw is more than probable.

Div 3
Luscious Trollops (Filadeus) - Antidote40 (Brizontour aka Butcher Briz) : Always hard for Goblins to play without inducement. Always frightening for Pro Elves to face Goblins's Chainsaw. So you can guess this game will be hard for both team. Believe whoever receive first the Kick Off will prevail.

Psycho Circu$ (Hatebreed aka JRCO) - Fluffy B and the Clowns (jarik) : Battle of Kislev, but also battle of top two division team. Fluffy B is much more developped and has already a full roster of 4 blitzers.
Not Sure inducement will close the gap. Fluffy B by 2.

Unidentified Flying Halfs (Segosa) - New Ogham Chain Gang (Njord) : Chorfs versus Halfling... Well It is Hard to have any hope for the halfling. Inducement won't be enough, The Chaos Dwarves will destroy the Flings.

Kikoup Kaas Tût (Allar57) - Great Eagles of Ulthuan (s75r) : The Kikoup Orc have only 1 Tackle. It could prove to be too little to stop an High elf team packed of Dodge. Goblins like the High Elves in this one.
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